Raphael Jacobs is an interdisciplinary artist
Das Numen Meatus  D&S Berlin (2017), Sprengelmuseum Hannover(2017)

concept Das Numen (Andreas Greiner, Julian Charriere, Felix Kiessling,Markus Hoffmann) 

sound design 
Raphael Jacobs

For the artist collective Das Numen I developed an organ that functiones as a connector between natural phenomena and the exhibiton space. Based on the basic functional mechanisms of an organ the instrument translates the surface of the earth as it were a record disc. The globe is covered in a grid in steps of 10 degrees in longitude and latitude and the crossing points are scanned in a spiral shape from North Pole to South Pole. The wind intensity is accessed in relative live-time and translated into a specific sound range. For constuction and resonance of the pipes I used natural phenomena of the physics of organ building to play with changing wind pressure of the pipes which results in a unique range of sound outside the classical organ spectrum. 

Das Numen: Julian Charrière, Andreas Greiner, Markus Hoffmann, Felix Kiessling
Dittrich & Schlechtriem Berlin, Sprengel Museum Hannover 2017


⇅image courtesy: Herling / Gwose / Werner, Sprengel Museum Hannover

⇅image courtesy: Sandra Camey